As far as I know the following Satellites are available for FTA KU Band Channels through 60 cm Dish:

1. Insat 4CR at 74 Degree East, about 10 FTA Channels. (India Beam)
2. ABS 1 at 75 Degree East, about 8 FTA Channels. (South Beam)
3. Insat 4B at 93.5 Degree East, about 59 FTA Channels. (India Beam)
4. NSS 6 at 95 Degree East, about 63 FTA Channels. (India Beam)
5. Asiasat 3S at 105.5 Degree East, about 26 FTA Channels. (South Asia Beam)
6. SES8 at 95.0 Degree East, about 29+ FTA Channels. (India Beam)

If you know of any other Satellite(s), kindly post a comment here...
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